Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Bullets, Mostly Crappy

  • Mom's back in hospital, this time with a bacterial infection that she may have gotten from helping to clean dog poo from my older son's knee. She'll be fine, but I can't say that the immediate retreat to certain patterns of communication has been particularly good. I have taken to not answering my Dad's phone calls and just listening to the voicemail in order to prep myself for the actual conversation.
  • Yesterday, a dear friend suffered a tragedy that has absolutely broken my heart. I don't want to say much more about it, but I broke into tears about four times yesterday.
  • I'm not in perfect shape physically either. After squash Monday, soccer Monday evening, and squash again Tuesday, I let myself get overheated and dehydrated, and by the time I got home with the kids in the afternoon Tuesday, I was dizzy, nauseated, shivering, and my whole body ached. I was running a 102 temperature. I'm not sure if it was a mild heatstroke or just heat exhaustion, but after a fevered nap, a cool shower and a lot of water, I felt better. Then again this evening, I had kind of a relapse, with a 100 fever and the dizziness, except the aches seemed concentrated in my back...I'm wodering if I didn't trigger a mild kidney infection. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Blah.
  • Just finished reading Terry Galloway's Mean Little deaf Queer, a memoir that traces both her childhood as a deaf and queer child in Texas, up through her career as a performance artist in Austin, New York, and Florida. I'll be using it (along with her performance work) in one of the chapters of my book, but it's also just a wonderful little book, and not only because I know a few of the characters in the book (and have corresponded with Terry myself for a year or so). I know that most of my readers don't have much room on their bookshelves for recommendations not related to work, but this is a good one.


Sisyphus said...

Get well immediately! I insist! (and watch out for that heat and exercise stuff...)

Maude said...

i hope you're feeling better. take better care of yourself! water and gatorade.

i'm sorry it's been a rough go. take care of yourself.

Flavia said...

I'm so sorry, Horace. Thinking of you & your family.