Saturday, January 23, 2010

RBOC: Discombobulated edition

Too many things going on, and I used up all of my coherence in the last few posts, so...

  • Junebug's got a wicked virus: 103+ fever, snot coming out of his nose and eyes, coughing, ear infection, raspy little voice. The smiles (when they appear) are heartbreaking.
  • A death in the family (an uncle with whom I was once quite close, but who had withdrawn after a long series of illnesses) meant that all five of us had to pile into the car on Thursday for the services in Nearest City (about 90 minutes away). I canceled my two undergrad classes for the day, but couldn't in good conscience cancel the grad class that evening. Which meant that after a long drive with kids, a somewhat difficult funeral, and the long drive back with the kids, I arrived on campus (without ever having set foot inside the house) with about 45 minutes until class. I was underprepared, but a save from a colleague meant that the class went fairly well, despite the very very long day.
  • I'm not sure if it's a good thing, but Very Good Journal asked me to do a review (right up my alley) and then asked if there was anything else I'd like to review in the future, which gave me the opportunity to chalk up another text I've been itching to do. So two book reviews in the next year? Good exposure, I guess, and book's I'd read anyway, but still.
  • My favorite cashmere sweater (the one Willow bought for me to wear to on-campus interviews five+ years ago) has a little moth-hole in in, right on the chest. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that my my nicest dress-up sweater has become my comfiest around-the-house sweater.
  • The twins got Kindergarten report cards on Friday. They both did great. But nobody told me that kids report cards had such an effect on their parents. Pride to be sure on this batch, but methinks I'll need to check myself in the future that I don't bring my own demands, hopes, and aspirations to my responses to future report cards...
  • Whither writing? Nowhere lately, but I do know I've got a lot of it to do, esp. if I want to meet the deadline that I set for myself when I sent UPress my proposal last week. I I want to ever get to one of those public intellectual projects, I'll need to finish one of those straight-up intellectual projects first...
  • I realized this morning that while I like smoked salmon a lot, I always wish it were prosciutto.


Sisyphus said...

Not sick!!! Poor little Junebug.

Hooray for sending out a proposal! I heve to get back to that too. I have to get back to many many things. Ugh.

Here's wishing us both magic writing mojo!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Junebug. I know exactly what you mean about those heartbreaking smiles. Good thoughts directed your way...

Maude said...

I'm sorry about the Junebug and your uncle. Not to compare your child to my dogs, but I'm heartbroken when they get sick; I can't imagine how I'm going to handle that if I ever have kids. I hope the little guy gets to feeling better soon.

And again, condolences for you and your family. Hugs to you and your family.

However, congrats on the projects/book reviews/writing!! Good luck!

Horace said...

Thanks for the good wishes, folks. He's still feeling pretty rough, but sleeping a lot and responding to ibuprofen and such, so he'll be right as rain in no time (fingers crossed).