Monday, May 09, 2011

Finishing up

OK, so last week's malaise has settled a bit, and I'm now looking to stretch out over the long weeks of the summer. Grades are in, and save a few essays that students who are still in town want comments on, I'm done for the spring semester.

Last summer I had a new grad course to prep and most of a book to write. This summer, I've got a book review due at the end of the month, and about 19 pages of revisions to write. If I'm diligent, I can get that done by June 1, and even if not, July 1 is plenty.

With what's left of the summer, we'll be doing a bit of traveling: I'm taking the twins to Ontario in late July, and the whole family is joining Willow's brother's family in DC for a week in mid-August (looking at you, Natalie!).

It's been a while since I've relaxed, even during breaks, and so perhaps one challenge I'll take on this summer is actually relaxing some, and recharging for the fall.


natalie said...

Yay! We're taking a week to celebrate our 10th anniversary from the 8th to the 12th-ish, but will otherwise be around. Can't wait!

Horace said...

Of course, that's when we'll be there, Natalie, but I think we're getting there the weekend before then, too, so we'll try to get in touch early, ok?