Monday, September 17, 2007

"even while men's minds are wild"

So one of my very first posts has a quote from the last scene of Hamlet that contains the following line: "even while men's minds are wild," a line that I'm not even particularly interested in from the larger quote.

So does anyone have any idea why I've suddenly been getting scads of Google hits for searches on this line? They seem to mostly be coming from England.


Dr. Virago said...

My totally random (and slightly facetious guess): it was referenced/spoken by Dr. Who in an episode (probably a repeat) that just aired.

I'm totally pulling this out of my you-know-what, but somewhat obscure Shakespeare reference+Dr. Who+people who'd search for the source online seems like a likely combination! :)

StyleyGeek said...

Maybe some university just set an essay topic on that part of the scene?

I stopped posting poetry on Fridays because I found it too disheartening to see all the hits I got from university IP addresses googling, "free essay" and the titles of the poems.

Crumpetty said...

Possibly a crossword clue being googled?

Horace said...

Ah! A crossword! Explains the sudden spike, and then gradual trickling out, the relatively tight distribution of hits that are nonetheless not from precisely the same place...

I bet that's it.

YourFireAnt said...

Somebody might've quoted this in a movie, or TV show.