Monday, May 24, 2010


If I had time for a full post right now, I'd write one on pruning--on trimming back what seems like fertile growth, but which stretches the root structure past capacity. I pruned some oregano and sage back (also, I wanted the herbs), and thinned out some dill this evening (while the twins finished their dinner), and thought, "boy, do I need to do this with my life."

Because I suspect if I pruned back the extra teaching, the extra trips to soccer practice, the friendly morning meetings over coffee, I wonder if a writing plant would flourish?


Earnest English said...

Ah but then would your life be more like those carefully planned flower beds with lots of space between, the sun getting the soil hot? I prefer the wilder flower beds of lush growth, plants teeming into one another and providing shade for whatever soil lies underneath.

Of course, I just like wild English gardens. Is that why my life is so uncontrollable? Maybe this metaphor doesn't work. =p

Hugenottenhaus said...

Nice blog post.