- Making the decision to pursue a graduate degree
- Becoming a graduate student and an academic
- Clearing the crucial hurdles of the graduate education
- Professionalizing as a researcher, teacher, and academic citizen
- Approaching the job market, and opting out
A few notes about the collection here. It is currently (and likely permanently) skewed toward the humanities almost exclusively, and largely toward English. Contributors are graduate students and faculty alike. The collection here, though is not itself set in stone. I will add, and in some limited cases, perhaps even get rid of links as new discussions pop up, online identities shift, and the conversation continues. Please do tell me if I've forgotten posts: I can already think of some I've missed.
I should also note that much of this conversation continues in a more textured, frontline, and ongoing fashion at the invaluable Carnival of GRADual Progress, a resource that readers here should know and use.
The easiest way to link the whole collection is to link to the label, Grad Compendium, which should put the whole thing into order. Feel free to add links in the comments section, and comment at will. If you find broken links or what have you, do gmail me those so I can correct them.
In the meantime, what follows is a huge trove of information, advice, and experience to help the aspiring academic.
This is really unbelievable and just so well done, H. Thanks for taking the time to do this!
Horace, thanks for collecting, organizing, and annotating these--and reading them!
Horace, you are my hero. Thank you for all the work, and for the thoughtful job of organizing everything.
Rock on Horace!
Wow, that's super! Thanks :)
Jumping junipers, Horace. Thank you!!!
Wow, this is fantastic!! Thank you!
as everyone has said brilliantly, you're an angel. this is trully amazing--thank you for taking the time to organize all of the great reading on this--i hope word gets out for people to read!
So so great. Now when grad students ask me what blogging is and if it's useful, I can just send them to this one fab link and they'll be hooked.
As an undergraduate thinking about grad school--- thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Gosh, there's a great deal of useful material above!
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