Friday, February 09, 2007

Ah! a Weekend!

Since we've moved out here to By-the-River, we've had lots of people visit us, and had lots of opportunities for babysitters to spell us for an evening to go out and be adults. But thus far, this has always meant returning home for bed, only to expect a pre-7:00 wake-up from one child or the other.

Tonight, though, my folks arrive with the express purpose of giving us an overnight reprieve. Tomorrow, we put the kids down for their afternoon naps, and we get outta town. Me might go shopping, then we'll check into a B&B about 45 minutes away, take a nap, and prepare for an amazing meal at an excellent restaurant named after an absinthe-loving artist. Afterdinner, we will crawl under a big quilt and sleep...until...we wake up. Not when we hear singing over the monitor, not when we are greeted by a green bear and a brown bear tossed unceremoniously into our bed, not when the demands for juice and breakfast rips us from the warm covers.

I can't wait.

1 comment:

Sisyphus said...

Niiiice! Sweet dreams.