Wednesday, November 22, 2006

De-Lurkey Day

Tomorrow is Turkey Day, but today--toDAY!--is delurkey day. So if you are a reader in this newish bloggy space, tell me. Also, tell me if you are not in my blogroll, because, y'know, I like to reciprocate.



Anonymous said...

waving. nice to meet you!
I should be grading...

Bardiac said...

Hi :)

Jillian said...

I suppose that would be me, even though I'm a few hours late.

Former student at BRU (hopped over from the old blog), in the same department even, but you weren't there when I was, I don't think. Returning visitor because it's interesting to see things from the other side once in a while. :)

Anonymous said...

~waves and delurks~ Hello from intertext - fellow English teacher and technophile.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Tundra Tech (ie. middle of Montana)!

Alarase said...

'lo. Aspiring Prof of English Lit, so surfing to see what the other side is sometimes like...roll me if I'm interesting enough, not particularly far into the business yet.